EU Customs Charges Post Brexit
The prices shown on our website exclude any Import VAT, Import Duty or Customs Administrative charges. Our delivery charges only cover the cost of shipping the order to you and do not include any other charges that may be incurred.
Depending on where your order is being sent to within the EU, VAT (from 1st July 2021), Customs Clearance charges and Import duty charged will vary. Children's clothing is VAT exempt in the UK, and so previous shipments to countries to EU countries did not incur a charge to the customer. As a consequence of the UK's departure from the EU and changes to EU import regulations, VAT is now required, with the amount determined by each individual country within the EU. If you live in a country that charges VAT on children's clothing, then you will be expected to pay this. Rates vary from 19% to 25% of the purchase price.
All orders to the EU will be shipped with DHL Express, Delivery Duties Unpaid (DDU). This means the customer is responsible for paying any Import VAT, Import Duty and Administrative charges due on receipt of their goods. We advise all customers within EU countries, to check local customs tax and duties costs before making a purchase, as these must be paid to allow the goods to be released.